Christ’s Community Church
Worship Leader Position
Worship Leader Job Description
Christ’s Community Church is a 40 year old church in Fishers, Indiana. Located across the street from Connor Prairie, we are in the heart of the city’s westside and seek to serve our community in this location. We are congregation of diverse ages, socioeconomic, and religious backgrounds. While our church is a part of the Reformed Church in America (RCA), most people in our church have no prior interaction with the RCA. Our worship is led by a worship team using modern instruments, but our music is blended as it includes both hymns and worship songs.
To provide leadership to the worship ministry of Christ’s Community Church.
Position Description:
The worship leader will be responsible for the music ministry of Christ’s Community Church (CCC). Working with the pastor, the worship leader will design weekly worship by choosing songs, liturgical elements, recruit volunteers, and invest in the life of the church community. Along with musical skills, candidates should have leadership capabilities, the ability to cast vision, and a willingness to develop and grow the ministry.
- Mature and growing Christian, seeking to live a life that honors and reflects Christ
- Ability to lead worship with a band or independently
- Basic understanding of music theory in order to communicate with band members
- Experience leading group worship
- Able to communicate to large and small groups of people
- Able to recruit, train, and encourage volunteers for service, as well as sustain and continually work to improve their collective sound
- Must exhibit servant leadership, communication, time management, organizational and people skills
- Basic understanding of sound equipment and ability to learn about our technical set up including video projection and livestream
- Lead authentic, engaging worship that include a variety of musical styles suitable for congregational singing.
- Build the necessary teams to carry out the worship ministry of CCC.
- Oversee scheduling of and communication to worship leaders, worship team members, and audio/visual technicians for Sunday services utilizing tools such as Church Community Builder.
- Provide coaching and oversight of the training of volunteers (vocalists, instrumentalists, and audio/visual technicians).
- Ensure team members have access to songs for the week, maintain the larger song database, and train the musicians on any new songs.
- Direct all weekly activities and rehearsals necessary to facilitate worship.
- Oversee the worship ministry budget.
- Set annual goals for the worship ministry that are in line with CCC’s vision and then evaluate how those goals were attained or modified during the year.
- Maintain licensing for copyrighted worship music used at CCC.
Weekly Time Expectations:
Sunday Worship Service 3-4 hours
Rehearsal 1 hour
Planning for worship (scheduling/administrative duties) 4-5 hours
Meeting with Lead Pastor 1 hour
Training/Mentoring 1 hour
Average weekly total 10-12 hours
This position is accountable to the consistory through the senior pastor.
$10,500 per/year.
6 Sunday off per year
Flexible hours
This is an exempt position.
Submit resumes to:
13097 Allisonville Rd
Fishers, Indiana 46038
If you’re interested, you can submit a resume at the email above. If you’d like more information, fill out the form below and we will be in touch with you.