CCC Children
Our Kids Ministry is a space where children, families, and volunteers experience abundant grace, profound love, and deep understanding of living life for Jesus.
We recognize the importance of developing meaningful relationships within the church community, between families of all ages as well as peers, mentors, teachers, and children.
Here at CCC Kids, we always make room for one more! One more student, one more family, one more volunteer; ultimately one more life transformed.

At CCC Kids, our goal is to teach children that Jesus loves them and empower them to grow in their relationship with Christ. We do this through interactive, hands-on activities. Every craft, song, game and activity has a purpose: create a foundation of Christian love, joy, and peace in the hearts of our children and volunteers.
Our kids participate in the first half of the worship service. We believe it is important for families to worship together and for kids to experience this aspect of the Christian life.
Child Safety:
Our children’s health and safety are top priorities here at CCC Kids. We have a secure check in, drop off, and pick up procedure to make sure each child is accounted for at all times. In addition, all of our volunteers are trained in safety procedures in case of fire, tornado and active shooter. Lastly, to ensure integrity, all of our volunteers have background checks, and there are always at least two volunteers with any group of children.
Questions? Contact our Director of Children’s Ministry, Jessie Brolsma, at
Our Kids Ministry program is for children age 0-12. The classrooms are divided into age-specific groups, and our lessons and activities are tailored to be developmentally appropriate for the kids to get the most out of it! Note: The preteen Bible study meets every other Sunday before the service, with a break in the summer.
AGES 0 – 2
AGES 3 – 5
AGES 6 – 9
AGES 10 – 12
All students in grades 7-12 are invited to youth group. During the school year we meet at church every other Sunday evening from 6-8pm. Check out our church calendar for the current schedule.
At CCC Kids, our goal is to teach children that Jesus loves them and empower them to grow in their relationship with Christ.
Children’s Ministry Common Questions
How does the check in procedure work?
When you arrive through the front doors, please enter the kids’ area, which will be to your right, just past the bathrooms. You will see a welcome desk, and a volunteer who will greet you and walk you through the Check In process. You will receive labels with your child’s name and a personalized identification code, which will be used to release your child to you after church. Once you have checked in, children 4 and up will join you for worship and will be dismissed after announcements, music, and the children’s message. Children age 0-3 can stay with you until kids are dismissed or you can drop them off before the service starts.
What should I bring?
Older kids do not need to bring anything other than their check in sticker on their shirt. For our nursery and toddler friends, you are welcome to leave a diaper bag with a change of clothes and diapers/wipes. We also have changing supplies in the back if you prefer. Please do not send your child with snacks or water. They can enjoy food and beverages before or after class!
Who will be watching my child?
There will be 2-3 trusted volunteers from the congregation keeping your child safe and happy. Our volunteers are trained in safety protocols and age appropriate childcare, and have had a background check.
What will my child do during worship service?
We believe that even our youngest children can learn about and experience God’s love while at church. Activities include age-appropriate games, crafts, songs, Bible stories/Christian books, and free play.
Additional questions? Contact our Director of Children’s Ministry, Jessie Brolsma, at