We have a deep desire to know Jesus more deeply and follow Him more closely. We may be a small church, but we talk about the big ideas of the Bible, theology, and culture with authenticity and curiosity.
In a world that is deeply divided, we want to be a people where everyone is welcome to bring all of who they are to all of who God is in order to be transformed by Jesus.
We study the Bible to better know God, ourselves, and the good news that God is making all things new. Most often we preach through books of the Bible.
Through music, lyrics, and prayers we want people to be united to God and grounded in the historic Christian faith. With a modern sound, we seek to center our worship in congregational singing.
Being a Christian is not meant to be a solo endeavor. We need one another for encouragement, comfort, and growth. At CCC, there are many opportunities for you to find others to come along side of you.

“I dream of being a part of a church where true transformation happens as people encounter the risen Jesus. Where it is safe for all of us to express our deepest needs and be met with the grace of Jesus in a kind smile, a comforting embrace, or words, “Me too.” And as we go in our relationship with God and with each other, we work to make a community a place where the gospel of Jesus is known. This my dream. This is our dream. And if it’s your dream, we’d love for you to help us make it a reality.”
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How would you describe CCC?
Our Kids Ministry’s is a space where children, families, and volunteers experience abundant grace, profound love, and deep understanding of living life for Jesus. We recognize the importance of developing meaningful relationships within the church community, between families of all ages as well as peers, mentors, teachers, and children. Here at CCC Kids, we always make room for one more! One more student, one more family, one more volunteer; ultimately one more life transformed.
Church is not simply a large gathering of people for Jesus. It is the gathered people of Jesus who belong to one another. We desire that each of us would have a community to belong to; a community where authentic relationships where we know and are known in order to help us follow Jesus more closely. Our groups are typically made up of 8-12 people who meet regularly to build healthy relationships, encourage one another, and help one another grow spiritually.
Common Questions
Is Christ’s Community Church a part of a denomination?
We are a part of the Reformed Church of America (RCA). Originally formed by Dutch immigrants, the RCA is compromised of more than 800 churches across North America. We are a fellowship of congregations called by God and empowered by the Holy Spirit to be the very presence of Jesus Christ in the world. For more information visit www.rca.org.
What is a Sunday morning worship service like?
We gather together because Jesus has gathered us. Before the service and after, we spend a lot of time connecting with each other. You’ll likely find a lot of kids running around. Our services are casual and unproduced, but honest. The songs we sing are hymn-style with modern instrumentation. Lastly, our coffee is good.
What is your leadership structure?
Our church is led by a board called a consistory. The consistory is comprised of six elders and six deacons along with our pastor. Together they oversee the church’s vision and mission.